[Qgis-developer] Build Problems on win32

Rob McCulley RMcCulley at county24.com
Wed Apr 2 17:31:17 EDT 2008

Hi All,


I'm trying to build qgis and the python bindings on Windows XP using
MSVC 7.1 (2003 .NET) using the instructions found here:




CMake doesn't report any errors at all.  This is the output from running
cmake ..:


E:\Build\Source\qgis-svn\Build>"C:\Program Files\CMake
2.4\bin\cmake.exe" ..

-- Found Proj: E:/Build/Source/proj-4.6.0/src/proj_i.lib

-- Found GEOS: E:/Build/Source/geos-svn/source/geos_i.lib

-- Found GDAL: C:/Program Files/GDAL/lib/gdal_i.lib

-- Found PostgreSQL:

-- Found Expat: E:/Build/Source/Expat 2.0.1/Bin/libexpat.lib

-- Using GSL from

-- Python libraries found

-- Python bindings enabled

-- Found Qt-Version 4.3.4

-- Configuring done

-- Generating done

-- Build files have been written to: E:/Build/Source/qgis-svn/Build


When I open the resulting .sln file, and build ALL_BUILD, I get a whole
bunch of warnings like:


E:\Build\Source\geos-svn\source\headers\geos\platform.h(34): warning
C4005: '_USE_MATH_DEFINES' : macro redefinition

warning C4800: 'int' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false'
(performance warning)


I also get numerous errors during the core build:


eManager.cc(125): error C3861: 'access': identifier not found, even with
argument-dependent lookup

eManager.cc(147): error C3861: 'open': identifier not found, even with
argument-dependent lookup

eManager.cc(189): error C3861: 'read': identifier not found, even with
argument-dependent lookup

eManager.cc(250): error C3861: 'close': identifier not found, even with
argument-dependent lookup

eManager.cc(283): error C3861: 'write': identifier not found, even with
argument-dependent lookup

eManager.cc(317): error C3861: '_commit': identifier not found, even
with argument-dependent lookup

eManager.cc(340): error C3861: 'lseek': identifier not found, even with
argument-dependent lookup


Later in the build process, I get a bunch of errors about failing to
find qgis_core.lib, but I assume that it is because qgis_core.lib failed
to build due to the errors above.  I'm obviously missing something here,
any ideas what?



Rob McCulley

GIS Coordinator 

County of Vermilion River

(780) 846-2244

www.vermilion-river.ab.ca <http://www.vermilion-river.ab.ca/> 


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