[Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] EPSG:2180 not recognised, although present in srs.db

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Tue Apr 8 08:50:34 EDT 2008

Craig Leat pisze:
> Maciej Sieczka wrote:

>> The main point of my email was that although QGIS *has* EPSG 2180 in 
>> it's CS database, it fails to recognize this georeference in a 
>> GeoTIFF. Looks like a bug, doesn't it?
>> Try the attached GeotTIFF:

> I tested your sample GeoTiff with EPSG:2180 and 0.9.1 branch of QGIS and 
> find no errors.

Hi Craig

What do you mean by "no errors"?

In Settings > Options > Projection set "Prompt for projection". Load the 
GeoTIFF. Does QGIS recognize it's CS at load? For me it doesn't (trunk 
r8319 on Debian testing).


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