[Qgis-developer] Re: EPSG:2180 not recognised, although present in srs.db

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Wed Apr 9 15:48:40 EDT 2008

Hi Maciej and others

if you are right, and there is concensus about removing the trailings 
zero's from the k/scalefactor, what would be the easiest way to do this?

Some possibilities I see:

- either write a small python procedure (just because I know there is 
some sqllite lib for python) which does some string-stuff with the 
parameter values in the tbl_srs table.
seems doable for me...

- (re)use the script that initially was used to build srs.db
If it excists, anybody has knowledge of this script?

- do some editing by hand
uhm, volunteers ;-)?

So my question:
1) SHOULD we remove the trailing zero's from the k-factors?

2) I think the python way is the easiest way to go, but if somebody has 
the initial script laying around, please sent it to me...


Richard Duivenvoorde

Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> Maciej Sieczka pisze:
>> this gives 1328 out of 6442 SRS definitions incompatible between QGIS 
>> and GDAL > 1.4.2 [3].
> Correction - 1157 SRSs.
>> [3]grep "\+k\=.*0" /usr/local/share/proj/epsg
> This should be:
> grep '\+k=[[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]*0' /usr/local/share/proj/epsg
> Maciek
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