[Qgis-developer] Windows Installer

tisham at apogee.com.au tisham at apogee.com.au
Sat Apr 12 23:23:57 EDT 2008

Hi Marco,

Thanks for revamping the installer. Please run a depends check using  
Dependency Walker to avoid problems like Gary is having.
Which Python modules did you include ? I was including PyQt4, SIP etc  
in a rather round about way.

May be we could include the Python bindings for some other popular  
packages like Gdal as well. I think FrankW wanted it at one point.

If you find a cleaner way that's great. Could you please paste the nsi  
scripts somewhere, or are they in SVN already. I only have the rc1  
branch checked out, is there going to be a RC2 branch.



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