[Qgis-developer] geos c api note

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 11:16:31 EDT 2008

Hey Jurgen and Marco,

On 8/18/08, Marco Hugentobler <marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch> wrote:
> Hi Jürgen and Martin,
> There seem to be consensus to change to geos c-api. The question is only when.
> I see the pros and cons for both. Personally, I'd prefer to do the change
> before 1.0 (so the risky way). Because we need to live with the public qgis
> interface of 1.0.0 for quite a while.
> Plugins and third party apps may appear that create/modify qgis geometry with
> passing a geos geometry. And those would need to change from geos c++  to c
> api too once the geometry refactoring is done in qgis 2.xx

from the qgis api side, it would be a good step, that's true, since
the ABI for c api will be the same.

I hope we will be able to cooperate well with geos folks, I'm just
affraid that the number of additions to C api will be quite big -
stuff like geometry editors, maybe also geometry and coordinate
sequence factories etc.

but as I'm far away from all the actions, I'll leave the decisions up to you :-)

Greetings from Rajastan

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