[Qgis-developer] QGIS 1.0 Branched - please read to prepare for
1.0.0 release!
Tim Sutton
tim at linfiniti.com
Mon Dec 15 01:57:07 EST 2008
Hi Folks
My apologies this email is rather long, but please take a read through
and see if there is anything you can help with in terms of getting the
release out.
The march to 1.0 goes on. This morning I have branched QGIS 1.0.
Because this is going to be a release that is maintained for a long
time (at least 1 year), I'm doing things a little differently naming
convention wise. The branch for version 1.0.x may be checked out at:
svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/branches/Version-1_0
The revision number of this branch is r9801.
On Saturday 20 December I will tag this branch as Release-1_0_0 and
put out a call for packaging based on that tag. Source bundle will
also be based on that tag. Based on this timeline I will have the
packages linked / uploaded to http://download.qgis.org for a release
announcement around the 26 or 27 Dec (note I will be offline from
21-26 Dec).
For the release the following items need to be addressed - it would be
great if one of these is in your ability to do something about you can
have a look:
Translation of changelog:
I added the changelog to the about box etc. over the weekend.
Unfortunately this will mean a few untranslated strings. If you are a
translator and are able, it would be great to have these translated
during this week. Please forward your .ts files to the community-team
folks as usual.
We need to ensure any new sponsors have been added to SPONSORS in src.
If you are a sponsor of QGIS, please contact use if your name is not
mentioned in the help->about box and you would like it to be. Paolo
can you follow up this item and check it off on the release checklist
when you are done?
Pending patches:
If you have a patch pending that you feel should be in QGIS 1.0.0 and
it hasn't made it, please contact Marco and ask him to evaluate it for
inclusion into the release. Marco, can you apply any pending patches
or mark them for a future release in the tracker, then check off the
related item in the release checklist with your colour next to it?
Visual changelog:
Release team I have written up the visual changelog page but I need to
have this reviewed by you (and anyone else interested), screenshots
made, and any press release ready material made. Richard / Anne /
Maning are you able to take a look please?
Gary could you add that 'message from the project chair' to the front
of the changelog as discussed on IRC?
Web properties:
Otto are we set for the test site to go live? If there is time it
would be nice to get a web css guru to theme the download.qgis.org
page to match the new qgis web site and send Gary the css etc
(assumming Gary is willing and able to apply that). The new QGIS
community maps stuff is nearly finished, Carson and I will put the
finishing touches to it during the course of this week.
Otto, how are things looking in terms of getting the docs ready for
end of December? It would be great to have them available with the
release. I see you have been working away on them based on the svn
commits coming in - is there anything the doc team needs that we can
help with?
Unit Tests:
I spent a bit of time last night trying to get all the tests to pass.
Currently under Linux 2 tests still fail:
80% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 10
The following tests FAILED:
3 - regression992 (Failed)
8 - qgis_rendererstest (Failed)
I believe test 3 - regression992 is rooted in a GDAL issue and may not
be solvable in time for the release.
The tests for QGIS renderers still need some looking at, and I am
unsure if the raster qgis_contrastenhancementtest is running properly
- it would be great if we could have at least 9/10 tests passing for
the release.
I don't know about you all, but I am really looking forward to seeing
QGIS 1.0.0 come out - its a huge milestone for the project!
best regards
Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)
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