[Qgis-developer] Problem with python bindings

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 13:31:16 EST 2008

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 6:55 PM, Carlos Dávila
<cdavilam at jemila.jazztel.es> wrote:
> Hello all
>  Trying to install qgis from source I see 'python bindings disabled due
>  to dependency problems' while ccmake configures, but no other
>  information about what is missing. Can anybody tell me what can it be?
>  Does ccmake save a log file somewhere?


I'm not aware of any log file that ccmake would left. However you can
see all the messages if you run the cmake command instead of ccmake.

The reason of dependency problems might be that SIP or PyQt4 are
missing, are in some old version or some parts of these tools are
missing. In case that until now you've used packaged version of QGIS I
guess you'll be missing packages with SIP and PyQt4 development files.


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