[Qgis-developer] technical experts for manual rewrite

Otto Dassau otto.dassau at gmx.de
Wed Jul 9 01:38:20 EDT 2008

Dear Developers-

When the manual team updates the manual for the v1.0 release, we hope to 
communicate the best description of what the features are and how to 
implement them. Therefore I would like to identify at least one 
technical expert for each chapter who is thoroughly familiar with those 
aspects of the software that are covered in that chapter, preferably 
someone involved in the development of the code, who is willing and 
available to answer technical questions that may arise while we write 
the manual updates. If you are willing to proofread for technical 
accuracy, that would also be good but not required.

The rewriting will begin after the v1.0 feature freeze, which I am 
guessing will occur around Aug 15, and continue for some while (say one 
week) after the GUI freeze currently scheduled for Sept 15. So the 
experts need to be available at least some of the time from Aug 15 to 
Sept 22.

Please respond to Tara Athan tara_athan[at]alt2is.com if you are  willing to
act in this capacity for one of the chapters below. *

The chapters are:

3. Getting Started (including GUI, Rendering, Measuring, Projects, 
Options, Spatial Bookmarks)
4. Working with Vector Data (including shapefiles, PostGIS, Vector 
Properties, Editing, Query Builder)
5. Working with Raster Data (including supported formats, loading, 
Properties dialog)
6. Working with OGC Data (including WMS, WFS)
7. Working with Projections (including supported projections, 
specifying, custom)
8. GRASS integration (including starting QGIS, loading, locations, 
vector model, digitizing and editing, region, toolbox, new layer)
9. Making Mapserver Map Files (including creating project and map file, 
testing map file)
10. Map Composer (including adding a map, adding other elements, other 
features, creating output)
11. Using Plugins (including overview and plugin manager, decorations, 
delimited, GPS, Graticule, Georeferencer, Python Plugins)
    * multiple experts needed, one for each plugin
12. Creating Applications
13. Help and Support
A. Supported Data Formats
B. Installation Guide

If you know of a feature that is not covered in any of these chapters, 
please let us know as soon as possible so we are sure to have everything 
covered in the outline.


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