[Qgis-developer] Plugin Installer

Borys Jurgiel borys at wolf.most.org.pl
Tue Jul 15 13:41:32 EDT 2008

Hello List,

Today I've rewieved and slightly polished the gui and improved the behaviour 
when installed plugin is invalid. Now the Installer displays an error log and 
suggests to uninstall the plugin immediatelly or contact the qgis-users list.
Furthermore, since now it recognizes when QGIS is offline and raises no more 
connection errors.

For few weeks I haven't observed any bad issues and haven't received any bug 
reports, so I think now it's enough resistant to connection errors and 
various syntax of metadata. For example, it should properly compare the 
version numbers, including all typycal prefixes, suffixes, dots, dashes, 
underlines etc. Further improvements will be implementing next to some SIP 

If there is nobody opposed, we can put it to the SVN. But first I would like 
to ask you, could somebody take a look at the strings and correct language 
errors...? :) I'm not unerring in English, as you can see here ;) Here is the 
full list of the strings in plain text and html:

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