[Qgis-developer] Plugin availability for editing points in a point dataset

Sadia Butt sadiabutt.ca at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 16:01:19 EDT 2008

Hi Barry,

Thanks so much for your patience. Okay so that makes sense...the move vertex
is the move feature...I thought it was the wrong one because vertices are
usually created in polygons and lines and previously when I tried moving the
points with the "move vertex" another point would move rather than the point
i had selected....does this have to do something with the snap tolerance. It
seems quite strange i recall using this type of tool for cleaning up and
when digitizing polygons.

Best regards,

On 7/30/08, Barry Rowlingson <b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk> wrote:
> 2008/7/30 Sadia Butt <sadiabutt.ca at gmail.com>:
> > Hello Carson and Barry,
> >
> > So greatful for the directions ...but something must be wrong. My aging
> eyes
> > aren't even seeing gray. I looked everywhere for the tools you indicated
> and
> > showed.  I am attaching the view I see when I open a project and the
> tools
> > available. I also re-installed Qgis since I remembered seeing some
> warning
> > notices the first time i installed Qgis. One indicated that there was an
> > error in creating the shortcut to my start-up and another telling me
> Python
> > was not installed and it would so i said ok and then another similar
> > message.
> >
> ooh, you've got a colourful 'move points' button!
> i've highlighted the relevant edit tools on the attachment - the first
> button toggles editing on and off, and the last one is for moving
> points. click it and then you can pick up and move points around.
> the second button is for adding new points, and the fifth for
> deleting. If you had a polygon or line layer then the other buttons
> would be live and not grayed.
> note that the icons have been redesigned for 0.11
> Hope that helps.
> Barry
> Barry
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