[Qgis-developer] the repository XML element

Borys Jurgiel borys at wolf.most.org.pl
Wed Jun 4 06:20:57 EDT 2008

During works on the Installer I've noticed one issue. There are two similar 
elemenets in a repository XML, <file_name> and <downolad_url>. They match in 
most cases, but of course sometimes some mistakes happen. On example:


It seems the <file_name> element is less trustwortly and even isn't necessary. 
It's used only as a target name for zip downloading before unpacking.

So I'm going to drop the use of it by the Installer and take it for 
depreciated (thought of course still required for back compatibility). But 
maybe I don't appreciate the reason for it was introduced? Are there any for 
keeping it?


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