[Qgis-developer] Fwd: Sextante (python geoprocessing tools)

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Tue Mar 25 06:39:19 EDT 2008

Hi All
Agustin Lobo forwarded this on to me - could be an interesting addition to
the emerging set of geoprocessing tools if anyone of you pythonistas can
work out how to integrate it nicely into QGIS???



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Agustin Lobo <Agustin.Lobo at ija.csic.es>
Date: 25/03/2008 06:44
Subject: Sextante
To: Tim Sutton <tim at linfiniti.com>


do you know Sextante (http://www.sextantegis.com/)? It's a set of python
extensions for gvSIG, a second version of the set that the same author,
Victor Olaya, made for SAGA. It's pretty undocumented in english, but
you can browse the code (http://code.google.com/p/sextantegis/).
I wonder if Sextante could be included in QGIS through a plugin, it's
got a GNU General Public License v2.

The set of tools is excellent, but I cannot find a list from outside
the program, this html file is the only thing I'm able
to send you.


Dr. Agustin Lobo
Institut de Ciencies de la Terra "Jaume Almera" (CSIC)
LLuis Sole Sabaris s/n
08028 Barcelona
Tel. 34 934095410
Fax. 34 934110012
email: Agustin.Lobo at ija.csic.es


Sextante extensions can be run from within gvSIG using the corresponding
toolbox, and also from a command-line shell. To start the SEXTANTE shell,
just click on the shell icon and you will see something like this:

 Commands are introduced in the text field at the bottom of the window.
Simply type a command and press Enter. Messages appear in the upper text

Pressing the up arrow key will give you the previous command in the session
history, while the down arrow one will give you the next one. Typing
historyyou will see the whole session history in the messages text

Since most operations need some kind of layers, a view is needed to take
those layers from or to add the resulting layers to. As in the case of the
extension manager, command line processes take their input from the last
active window  before the command line interface was invoked. In most cases,
you should open a view and then start the shell, so you have a view to work

New views can be created using the addviwe command, with the following

addview viewname[string]

We can switch from one view to another using the activeview command.

activeview viewname[string]

>From here on, we will see how to perform geographical analysis using the
command line shell. The first thing we need is some data:


To open a new data object (it can be a vector layer, a raster layer or a
table), use the command open. It has the following syntax (you can see this
help line by simply typing open with no arguments at all):

open filename[string]

Filename is the path to the file you want to open, and name is an identifier
that will be later used to refer to this data object. Filenames can use
absolute or relative paths. When using relative paths, you can use the
cd command
to move to the desired directory. The ls command is also available to list
the content of a directory, with the usual arguments.

All  the file formats supported by gvSIG are supported as well from the
command line. There is no need to select the driver, since it is selected
automatically from the file extension

For example, the following lines will open a shapes layer, a raster layer
and a table.

C:\sextanteCmd$open c:\data\points.shp
C:\sextanteCmd$open c:\data\dem25.asc
C:\sextanteCmd$open c:\data\spatialCorrelation.dbf

Wilcards(*, ?) can be used in the usual way.

Of course, you can add new objects the usual way, using gvSIG buttons and
menus, and then work with them from the command line interface.

Information about data objects can be retrieved using the describe command.
to refer to an object, use the name that it has on the table of contents.

For instance:

>describe spatialCorrelation.dbf
Type: TableNumber of records: 156
Table fields: | Distance | I_Moran | c_Geary | Semivariance |

>describe points.shp
Type: Vector layer - Point
Number of entities: 300
Table fields: | ID | X | Y | SAND | SILT | CLAY | SOILTYPE | EXTRAPOLAT |

>describe dem25.asc
Type: Raster layer
X min: 262846.525725
X max: 277871.525725
Y min: 4454025.0
Y max: 4464275.0
Cellsize X: 25.0
Cellsize Y: 0.0
Rows: 410
Cols: 601

Data objects can be renamed using the rename command, with the following

rename old name[String], new name[String]

For example, to change the name of the table from "spatialCorrelation.dbf"
to "spatialCorrelation", type

> rename spatialCorrelation.dbf, spatialCorrelation

Names are case sensitive.

If you are not going to use a data object anymore, you can use the
closecommand to eliminate it and free some memory. For instance:

close mdt25.asc


All the algorithms that can be run fron the gvSIG GUI can also be run from
the command-line shell. Each of them is identified by a command. A list of
them (in alfabetical order) can be displayed using the algs command.

acccost                  acccostanisotropic       accflow
acv                      aggregate                aggregationindex
ahp                      aspect                   buffer
cellbalance              channelnetwork           classstatistics
clipgrid                 closegaps                closegapsnn
cluster                  constantgrid             contourlines
convergence              correlation              costinroutes
countequalto             countgreaterthan         countlowerthan
covariancematrix         crossclassification      crosssections
ctvi                     curvatures               density
distancematrix           disttochannelnetwork     diversity
dominance                edgecontamination        elevationreliefindex
fillsinks                filterclumps             flowlineprofile
fragmentation            fragstatsarea            fragstatsdiversity
fuzzify                  generaterandombernoulli  generaterandomnormal
generaterandomuniform    generateterrain          gradientlines
gridbasicstats           gridcalculator           gridcompletion
gridfromfunction         gridorientation          gridsfromtableandgrid
heightoverchannelnetwork hillshade                hypsometry
idw                      invertnodata             isocrones
kerneldensity            kriging                  kurtosis
lineardecrease           locateallocate           majority
maxvalue                 maxvaluegrid             maxvalueuphill
meancenter               meanvalue                meanvalueuphill
median                   mediancenter             mergegrids
minority                 minvalue                 minvaluegrid
multipleregression       ndvi                     nearestneighbor
nnanalysis               normalize                nrvi
numberofclasses          pdfbinomial              pdfchisquared
pdfexponential           pdfnormal                pdfstudent
peakflowmaxplu           polartorect              predictivemodels
profile                  protectionindex          pviperry
pviqi                    pvirichardson            pviwalther
quadrat                  range                    rasterizevectorlayer
rastertopoints           realarea                 reclassifyconsecutive
reclassifydisjoint       reclassifyequalamplitude reclassifyequalarea
recttopolar              regression               ripleysk
savegrid                 semivariances            skewness
slope                    slopelength              solarradiation
sortraster               spatialcorrelation       strahlerorder
sumofcostfromallpoints   surfacespecificpoints    thresholdbuffer
topographicindices       ttvi                     tvi
universalkriging         upslopeareafrompoint     variance
varianceradius           vectorize                visibility
visualexposure           volume                   volumebetweengrids

To know more about an algorithm, just type its name with no arguments. For

Usage: accflow(DEM[Raster Layer]
               WEIGHTS[Optional Raster Layer]
               CONVERGENCE[Numerical Value]
               FLOWACC [output raster layer])

Along with the name of the algorithm you will see a list of the parameters
needed to run it. Between square brackets, the type of each parameters is

Let's have a look at the different types of parameters and how to introduce
their corresponding values in order to run the algorithm

   - [Raster Layer] or [Vector Layer] or [Table]. Simply type the name of
   the data object.  If the parameter is optional and you do not want to asign
   a value to it, type #
   - [Numerical value]. Just a numerical value like 345 or 3.1415. Type #
   to use the default value.
   - [Selection] Type the number corresponding to the desired option or #
   to use the default option
   - [String] Just a text string... Type # to use the default value
   - [Boolean] Type either true or false. Or type # to use the default
   - [Multiple selection - *data_type*] A group of data objects is needed
   to run the module. You have to group them into one single parameter,
   enclosing them between square brackets.

For example, for the maxvaluegrid algorithm

Usage: maxvaluegrid(INPUT[Multiple Input - Raster Layer]

The following line shows a valid example:

C:\SextanteCmd$maxvaluegrid [lyr1, lyr2, lyr3], false

Of course, lyr1, lyr2, lyr3 must be valid raster layers, already loaded.

in the case of [Multiple Input - Band], each parameter is defined by a pair
of values (layer, band). For example, for the cluster algorithm

Usage: cluster(INPUT[Multiple Input - Band]
               NUMCLASS[Numerical Value])

The following is a valid example:

C:\SextanteCmd$cluster [lyr1, 1, lyr1, 2, lyr2, 2], 5

The algorithm will use 3 bands, two of them from lyr1 (bands 1 and 2), and
one from lyr2 (band 2).

   - [Table Field from XXX]. Type the name of the field in the
   corresponding vector layer or table.
   - [Fixed table]. Simply type the values of al the cells separated by
   commas. First value corresponds to row 1 and column 1, second value to row 1
   column 2, and so on. There is no need to divide values by rows, since that
   is done automatically by the parser.
   - [Point]. The two coordinates of the point must be enclosed between
   square brackets (i.e. [220345, 4453616])

Output layers (if the algorithm generates them), can be saved to a temporary
file using the # sign. If you want to save them permanently, type the output
filename. Both relatives and absolutes path.

File format is selected from the file extension. This works in the same way
as using the usual graphical interface of the algorithm. Please, refer to
the extension manager help to know more about output file formats and how to
set them.

If you try to run any algorithm that generates new raster layers, it will
generate them with a cellsize and extension automatically calculated upon
the input raster layers. This behaviour can be modified using the

Usage: autoextent(true/false)

By default it is set to true. If, however, you want to define a particular
extent and cellsize for all the output raster layers, you can use the

Usage: extent(raster layer[string])
       extent(vector layer[string], cellsize[double])
       extent(x min[double], y min[double],
              x max[double], y max[double],
              cell size[double])
Type "autoextent" to use automatic extent fitting when possible

Setting a fixed extent automatically turns off the autoextent feature (it
has the same effect as typing autoextent false)

Some modules, such as interpolation ones, require the explicit definition of
output extent and cellsize, since there is no raster input upon which these
can be defined.


 Scripts can be run also from the command prompt, using the run command.

Usage: run filename[string], parameter_1[string],

SEXTANTE will open the chosen file and execute the lines included in the it,
one by one. Lines starting with "//" will be ignored, so you can add
comments to your scripts.

Here is a little example, that will calculate the Topographic Wetness Index
 (TWI; Beven and Kirby, 1979) from a DEM and save the result as

open c:\data\dem25.asc
slope dem25.asc, 2, #
accflow dem25.asc, #, 2, #, #, #
gridcalculator log(Flow accumulation/25/Slope), c:\data\twi.tif

Asumming that the script is saved in a text file in C:\data\script.txt, you
can run it using the following line.

>run C:\data\script.txt

Additional arguments might be passed to the run command. These represent
parameters which have to be defined within the script as #1, #2, etc. Up to
9 parameters can be used. Before executing the script, the command will
substitute each #n with the corresponding argument passed to the run

Help file written by Víctor Olaya
       The content of this file is distributed under a Creative

Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release  Manager
Visit http://qgis.org for a great open source GIS
openModeller Desktop Developer
Visit http://openModeller.sf.net for a great open source ecological niche
modelling tool
Home Page: http://tim.linfiniti.com
Skype: timlinux
Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
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