[Qgis-developer] Time for 1.0 API freeze

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Sun Nov 16 17:22:56 EST 2008

Hi Folks

I'd like to go ahead and declare an API freeze for QGIS 1.0. Martin I
see you were making a couple of useful tweaks over last week. Do you or
anyone else have anything else to change on the API. Once the API is
frozen, cleanups to the API should be done in a manner similar to the
trolls e.g.

class Foo 
     /** This method will be deprecated, you are encouraged to use 
         doSomethingBetter() rather.
         @see doSomethingBetter()
     bool doSomething();

     /** Does something a better way.
         @note This method was introduced in QGIS version 1.1
     bool doSomethingBetter();


I will wait until wednesday before declaring the API freeze in case
there are any objections.

Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
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Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
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