[Qgis-developer] QgsMultipolyline

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Sat Oct 11 09:05:50 EDT 2008

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Carson Farmer <carson.farmer at gmail.com>wrote:

>  When creating a MultiPolyline geometry, I am able to combine several
> Polylines to form a single Multipolyline. However, when attempting to write
> this out to a shapefile using QgsVectorFileWriter, the resulting file
> contains no entries. I have inspected the Multipolylines, and they appear to
> be valid, and the QgsGeometry is created without a problem.
> Somewhere between feature.setGeometry(multi_geom) and writer.addFeature(),
> the geometry information appears to be rendered invalid?
>  fixed in r9469 :-)
>  Again this is great, tested and works great for lines... However, the same
> problem appears to be occurring with points.
> I will implement it as you have suggested below for now, but perhaps this
> is something that should be fixed as well, or perhaps I am just doing
> something wrong with the points :-p

It seems to be working fine for me with points too - can you paste me a
simple example when it doesn't work? You can also take a look at the
debugging output from QGIS - if writer's addAttribute() function fails, it
should give some debugging message.

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