[Qgis-developer] QGIS 1.0 Feature Freeze Begins

Marco Hugentobler nhugent at hispeed.ch
Thu Sep 11 02:37:23 EDT 2008

Hi all,


I also like the idea of having a beta or rc that we may recommend to power 
users. For the 'normal' users, it may be better to fix some more bugs and 
therefore I think it will be good to release 1.0 a bit later.


Am Mittwoch, 10. September 2008 22.46:12 schrieb Tim Sutton:
> Hi all
> Many thanks to all who have contributed new features for the 1.0
> release. I have merged in the new plugin installer from Borys now and
> would like to start with feature freeze. Chances of getting version
> 1.0 out in time for FOSS4G2008 are looking slim , especially if we
> want to get much polishing & translation etc done. I am in favour of
> pushing the schedule to get it out for end of Sept anyway and then
> following up with a 1.0.1 bugfix release shortly after (e.g. end Oct /
> Mid nov). Could I ask you please to top post your votes:
> +1 - lets push to get QGIS 1.0 out for 25 Sept
> 0 - dont care either way
> -1 - slow down tonto, lets rather take our time
> I will be working my way down the checklist at
> http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/ReleaseChecklist1.0 and encourage those
> who have tasks assigned there to refresh your memories. If there is a
> general concensus to +1 above I will adjust the checklist dates to
> account for the short release  - and if there isnt I will put more
> conservative dates into the checklist tomorrow evening.
> Release team, now is a good time to start assembling a super duper set
> of publicity material for QGIS!
> Community team the user interface should now be stable and I would not
> expect to see any further changes unless it is absolutely needed to
> fix a show stopper bug (unlikely I hope).
> Best regards to all,

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
HUGIS - GIS Programmierung und Beratung Hugentobler
Honrainweg 5
CH-8038 Zürich
nhugent at hispeed.ch

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