[Qgis-developer] Scatterogram
Ghislain Picard
ghislain.picard at lgge.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr
Sat Sep 13 03:40:45 EDT 2008
Thanks Borys for your help. I have fixed the bugs and updated the file
name and version number (for valuetool and scattergram) to fit the new
requirement of the installer.
Cheers, Ghislain
Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Hi Ghislain,
> The plugin causes a lot of errors (I think in every step). I've catch two
> kinds of them. If there is no layer present:
> in scattergramwidget.py, line 196, in getLayerAndBand:
> ilayer,iband=self.comboArray[index]
> indexError: list index out of range
> And if there is a layer opened:
> in scattergramplot.py, line 98, in serData
> self.zoomer.setZoomBase(True)
> TypeError: argument1 of QwtPlotZoomer.setZoomBase() has an invalid type
> My Qwt5-qt4 version is 5.0.1-2, QGIS is fresh from trunk.
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