[Qgis-developer] Re: Where to upload Plug-Ins?

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at aster.pl
Sun Apr 5 06:31:16 EDT 2009

Sunday 05 of April 2009 11:34:23 Anita Graser napisał(a):

> Maybe someone could add the new repository to the wiki page  
> http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/PluginRepositories


> I can't delete version 0.2 as it was uploaded by Mauricio. But maybe after  
> some trial time, Mauricio could delete the old version.

I've removed them both to not produce multiple plugins in users' systems.
Please upload the 0.3 version as just findbyattr.zip (and the same directory 

We definitely need a possibility for collaboration in the contributed repo.
Gary, what about possibility for giving write permissions for particular 
plugins? Plugin author and repository admins could give them to any other user 
or even change the ownership.  

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