[Qgis-developer] Plugin Translation

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Mon Apr 27 01:07:07 EDT 2009

I think I'm most of the way to getting a translation done on the
metaedit plugin(added some other features too) but I wanted to check on
how QGIS knows to load a particular language. Do I have to add code to
my plugin or will simply having the .qm files and the .pro file do it?

Also is there any way to test alternate languages in qgis without
modifying the computer's locale setting. ie: a menu or an api call via
python console that would just switch the language? maybe a command line

Preliminary instructions on how to translate a plugin

Anyone know the German words for key(or tag) and value, like a python
dictionary or in this case an xml element and it's value.


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