[Qgis-developer] PyQGIS: QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer class and saveNamedStyle method

Germán Carrillo carrillo.german at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 23:43:50 EDT 2009

Hi all. I'm trying to emulate the symbology dialog for a Python application
but I have a trouble.

When I'm working with QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer and I try to save the style
to a qml file using the saveNamedStyle() method I get the following message:

Could not save symbology because:

renderer failed to save
And in the command line:
NotImplementedError: QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer.writeXML() is abstract and
must be overridden

With the other renderer classes (QgsContinuousColorRenderer,
QgsSingleSymbolRenderer, QgsUniqueValueRenderer) the saveNamedStyle()
method  works well and the qml file is saved without any problem.

Do you know why can this be happen?

Thanks in advance.



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