[Qgis-developer] Colormap

sergio cavalcante sergio.cavalcante at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 10:03:06 EDT 2009

Hello Guys,

I'm with a little problem here trying to "colormaping" a raster.

Here is the code that adds a raster:

- AddRasterLayer is the method that adds a layer to the canvas,
- qgsImage is the qgsMapCanvas
- mclLayerSet is the list of the MapLayers
- ui.twPalette is a TreeWidget that holds the colormap

In this point,
myRasterShaderFunction->setColorRampItemList( myColorRampItems );

The application exits abnormally.

That's anything that I need to configure in the raster before set this

Anyone could help this desperated developer?

Best Regards,
Sérgio Cavalcante
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