[Qgis-developer] Open vector dialog

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Thu Feb 5 00:02:37 EST 2009

Hi Godofredo

On Wednesday 04 February 2009 21:41:30 godofredo contreras wrote:
> Hi developers:
> I've been working in a replacement for open vector dialog. The ideas behind
> this work are:
>  support multilayer formats
>  support more ogr formats
>  support for opening database layers
>  support of service layers
> To reach this goal I started classifying the ogr drivers as:
>  File based
>  Directory based
>  Database based
>  Service based

This sounds like a good classification - perhaps Frank or others have more 
thoughts on this,

> There are a lot of formats in ogr and the question that come to my
> mind is should qgis support as many formats as there are in ogr or
> choose just some of them? in the other hand there are some drivers
> for formats I don`t know and I'm not sure if I classified them correctly
> and if I set the file filters correctly.

My personal feeling is that if we can open every supported format that the 
particular OGR/GDAL on the users machine was compiled with it would be first 

> Attached is doc file with the classification and the "yes"
> in column "qgis supported" means I have opened layers of that format.
> Any fixes to classification list are welcome as well as any comment.

In the few minutes I had to look at your list you classification seemed right 
to me. Does this imply we will need to create a programmatic master list for 
QGIS to read and associate with GDAL formats? Perhaps indicating wich category 
the format fits into would be something Frank would consider adding to the next 
iteration of GDAL/OGR so that we always have a current classification list 
regardless of which >= current  version of gdal the user has.

I'm really looking forward to your patch!



> Regards
> Godofredo Contreras
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