[Qgis-developer] Legend vs. Layers

Carson J.Q. Farmer Carson.Farmer at nuim.ie
Thu Feb 5 10:52:17 EST 2009

Hi list,

I am wondering what the policy is on naming conventions in terms of 
tools, the QGIS interface, and map items. For example:
I suggest that the text 'Legend' above the layer list should be changed 
to 'Layers'. Technically this isn't a legend: "A map legend can be 
defined as the reference area on a map that lists and explains the 
colours, symbols, line patterns, shadings, and annotation used on the 
map." The legend of course, it what we add to the map in the map 
composer, but what we are currently calling the legend is, in actual 
fact, simply a list of layers .

I know this is really just a matter of semantics, but it has been 
mentioned before, and I think it's important to get these things right ;-)


Carson J. Q. Farmer
ISSP Doctoral Fellow
National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG),
John Hume Building,
National University of Ireland, Maynooth,
Co. Kildare,
Phone: +353 (0) 1 708 6726
Fax:   +353 (0) 1 708 6456
Email: Carson.Farmer at nuim.ie
Web:   http://www.carsonfarmer.com/

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