[Qgis-developer] Fresh build of QGIS needed

Vito Meuli v.meuli at tecnologieavanzate.it
Mon Feb 9 05:57:31 EST 2009

Hi all!
Marco Hugentobler kindly fixed a bug in QGIS 1.0.0 I needed to be fixed, but 
now I'm not able to try it because building QGIS on Windows is beyond my 

Is there enough asking for a new build of QGIS in osgeo4w?
Is it already scheduled, so I can simply wait for it?

If not any of the two, may I ask someone to do it for me, giving him/her a 
reward for it?

I know it was discussed about knightly builds in the past.
Maybe could my boss sponsorship it?

Thank you for the good work!
Ing. Vito Meuli

Tecnologie Avanzate S.r.l.
via B. Croce, 49
70015 Noci (BA)
tel. +39 080 4979652
fax  +39 080 4979263

email: v.meuli at tecnologieavanzate.it

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