[Qgis-developer] georeferencer plugin - map follow mode

Manuel Massing m.massing at warped-space.de
Tue Feb 24 06:44:43 EST 2009


Just wanted to let you know that my changes are available via git
for the time being. Repository is accessible at:


I am tracking gislab and qgis svn, and currently developing
on the WARP_REFACTORING branch 

	-merge with gislab svn
	-fixed helmert transform and warp
	-fixed linear world file generation (was dead code for linear)
	-Unified warping implementation: removes a lot of code duplication

	- better UI for map follow mode
	- Add cubic spline, lanczos to interpolation schemes
	- When user chooses input file which already contains georefererencing/GCP
       information, open via a VRT-wrapper to override georeferencing

If you want to try it out/participate via git:

	1) git clone git://github.com/mmassing/georeferencer.git georeferencer
	2) cd georeferencer
	3) git checkout origin/WARP_REFACTORING -b WARP_REFACTORING


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