[Qgis-developer] OSM plugin

Florian Hillen fhillen at uni-osnabrueck.de
Sat Jan 31 13:14:48 EST 2009

Dear mailing list,

as some of you already read from the user-mailinglist, I want to develope
an OSM plugin in the course of my bachelor thesis.
My plan is to build a plugin, that transforms OSM-Data to shp (either
with an existing .osm file or with a given extend) and add a new layer (or
many layers) to QGIS.

I'm now trying to find a beginning. The "official" tutorial for qgis
developers is written for linux-users, to my shame I have to admit that
I'm a windows-user and not that firm to linux. I found a workshop
documentation of Marco Hugentobler from the FOSS4G and will work through
it tomorrow. If anybody of you has an other tutorial or guide for me, I
would appreciate.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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