[Qgis-developer] QgsVertexMarker modified class: Plot moving points over a map at fixed rate

Luca Pascale pascale.luca.it at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 10:41:04 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I have modified the class QgsVertexMarker and the plugin to plot at a fixed
rate some points over the map with a custom icon. (previous mail below)

How can I delete a Marker from the map ?
I try to delete the QgsVertexMarker object using "del" in python but it free
the memory but the icon is ever over the map.
My actual solution is to "hide" the marker using no custom icon but this
method still paints something (not visible) on the screen.

any suggestions

Thanks in advance

I have made a py plugin that plot points at a given position over an
underlying map.
At a given rate (1 time per second for example) the points change position
and move over the map.
I have used QgsVertexMarker to do this.

Now I am trying to plot instead of the "icon" make available by
QgsVertexMarker class, a custom image loaded from a file.
SO I modified the class in the following way:

   - add ICON_CUSTOM to the enum

enum IconType

   - add the method

void QgsVertexMarker::setIconFileName (QString fname)


   - modify the QgsVertexMarker::paint

void QgsVertexMarker::paint( QPainter* p )
  qreal s = ( mIconSize - 1 ) / 2;

  QPen pen( mColor );
  pen.setWidth( mPenWidth );
  p->setPen( pen );

  switch ( mIconType )
    case ICON_NONE:

    case ICON_CROSS:
      p->drawLine( QLineF( -s, 0, s, 0 ) );
      p->drawLine( QLineF( 0, -s, 0, s ) );

    case ICON_X:
      p->drawLine( QLineF( -s, -s, s, s ) );
      p->drawLine( QLineF( -s, s, s, -s ) );

    case ICON_BOX:
      p->drawLine( QLineF( -s, -s, s, -s ) );
      p->drawLine( QLineF( s, -s, s, s ) );
      p->drawLine( QLineF( s, s, -s, s ) );
      p->drawLine( QLineF( -s, s, -s, -s ) );
    case ICON_CUSTOM:

      QPixmap pixmap(QSize(22,22));

   - update the binding file .sip
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