[Qgis-developer] PostGIS manager v0.5

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 08:08:16 EDT 2009

> 2009/7/9 kimaidou <kimaidou at gmail.com>
>> Hi
>> A other idea, which is not completely related to your plugin, but would
>> help a lot.
>> For some reasons, I don't always add a primary key in my geographic tables
>> in postgis. So I cannot load any of this tables in qgis. I get the same
>> problem with the "views" I create : i cannot use them in qgis because of it
>> always complainig "this layer does not have a column which fits the
>> blablablabl".

What are you reasons for not having primary key for the tables?

>> Would it be possible, through your plugin to "force" qgis to simply ask me
>> which columns I WANT to use as a primary one in qgis ? This would help a lot

Yes, it would be possible, but this is something that should be
available in postgres provider first...


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