[Qgis-developer] Edit tools: planned "rotate feature" and "draw rectangle" ?

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 09:14:37 EDT 2009

For planing low height aerial campaigns with small format cameras. It's 
useful having a rectangle of the size
of the planned footprint (of a single image or of the length of a flight 
line and the width of an image) and moving it and orienting it to 
accommodate the features that you want to cover.
Also, defining a rectangle to clip an image (which I use to simulate the 
result that we are supposed
to get if appropriate imagery is available, i.e. a previous
regular aerial photography)

In general, this would be useful for designing field sampling schemes by 
locating rectangular plots of a pre-defined size.


Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Hi Agus,
> Marco Hugentobler is currently working on a point-rotate tool for rotating
> SVG symbols.
> Are you sure that a rotate function really makes sense for line and
> polygon features? I doubt it. What would be the use-case?
> Andreas
> On Wed, July 15, 2009 9:15 am, Agustin Lobo wrote:
>> The current "Move feature" tool does not allow rotation,
>> is this planned in the future? Also, are there plans
>> to include drawing an initial rectangle of a given size (may be other
>> simple
>> geometric shapes
>> as well) that could be interactively refined afterwards?
>> Thanks
>> Agus
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