[Qgis-developer] Re: roadmap

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at aster.pl
Fri Jul 31 09:59:56 EDT 2009

Friday 31 of July 2009 09:02:07 Enrico Gallo napisał(a):
> Dear Paolo, hi list
> > - 1 February 2010 - 1.3 feature freeze
> > - 14 February - string freeze and call for translation updates
> > - 21 February - tag for release and call for packaging
> > - 31 February - release announcement
> really good idea!
> even if 31 February seems not so good as milestone
> for users like me anxiously waiting for 1.3 release... :D

Yes, it can never be released... :( 31 February is good for me, but what about 
setting more feasible date?  :)

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