[Qgis-developer] weird behavior of "zoom to point"

Germán Carrillo carrillo.german at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 11:46:28 EDT 2009

I think the exaggerated zoom depends on what scale are your data.

Maybe the scale factor could be a relative factor with the canvas fullExtent
as base extent.

Something like this can be useful (zoomtopoint.py file, run() method):

    extent = mc.fullExtent()
    xmin = float(x) - extent.width() / ( 2 * ( 100-scale ) )
    xmax = float(x) + extent.width() / ( 2* ( 100-scale ) )
    ymin = float(y) - extent.height() / (2 * ( 100-scale ) )
    ymax = float(y) + extent.height() / ( 2 *( 100-scale ) )
    rect = QgsRectangle( xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax )

x, y are the point coordinates to center
scale is the factor (1 to detailed scale, 99 to general scale)

I tested and works fine.


2009/7/31 Agustin Lobo <alobolistas at gmail.com>

> Hi!
> I'm getting a weird behaviour with "zoom to point", I get
> an exaggerated zoom no matter what you set, anybody else is
> finding the same problem? (qgis 1.1.0 Pan unstable on
> ubuntu 9.04)
> Also, would it be possible to get that point marked with a circle
> or something so that you can fine tune the zoom and pan, and even
> get the point saved to a points vector layer?
> Thanks
> Agus
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