[Qgis-developer] Composer grid issue

John C. Tull jctull at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 11:55:49 EDT 2009

Hi Marco,

Excellent work with the grid composer. Things lined up in a new test I  
ran, so it appears you have handled the offset issue.

For some reason, my old project now crashes if I try to open in qgis.  
I suspect this might be from changes in the composer structure for qgs  
files, but not certain.

The control over precision and the option for labels following  
boundary direction are brilliant! Great work, as usual.

New issues from the other changes I have seen so far:

1) If there is no composer, the "Map Composer" menu item is empty.  
Perhaps this should be a submenu under "File" rather than it's own menu?

2) If I try to close my composer window, I am confronted with a dialog  
that says, "Do you really want to remove the composer instance,  
'name'?" Canceling will keep the composer, but you have the window  
occupying desktop space. If you say ok, the composer is gone for good.  
My expectation would be to close the window, receive no dialog, but  
have that composer available under the "Map Composer" menu item.  
Perhaps this is a work in progress.

Also see https://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/2042


On Oct 29, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Marco Hugentobler wrote:

> Hi John
> Do you still have the issue with the shift between composer map  
> contents and
> the composer grid with current svn?
> I did some prints with the nv_grid shape  this morning (to png, 200  
> dpi) and
> it seemed to be ok.
> Regards,
> Marco
> Am Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009 19.27:53 schrieb John C. Tull:
>> Hi Marco,
>> As always, thanks for your great work and progress on the composer!
>> I'll look forward to testing your changes.
>> Cheers,
>> John
>> On Oct 19, 2009, at 11:26 PM, Marco Hugentobler wrote:
>>> Hi John
>>> Thank you for reporting. I'm currently implementing the possibility
>>> to rotate
>>> the composer map and this changes a lot in the composer grid code.
>>> Therefore,
>>> I'm going to address this issue after the rotation code is in trunk.
>>> Regards,
>>> Marco
>>> Am Montag, 19. Oktober 2009 22.44:56 schrieb John C. Tull:
>>>> Marco,
>>>> I was excited to see the new map composer grid feature. I tried it
>>>> out
>>>> on some field maps last week and found out that the grids were not
>>>> accurate. I believe you might be able to reproduce an error with  
>>>> the
>>>> attached test file. It appears to be a dpi issue, for some reason.
>>>> Here are my steps:
>>>> 1) Open a new qgis canvas and add the attached shapefile.
>>>> 2) Verify that the projection (CRS) is set to epsg 26911 for the
>>>> project.
>>>> 3) Zoom in to a subset of the grid at approximately 1:100000 scale.
>>>> 4) Open the map composer and add the map canvas to the composer
>>>> canvas.
>>>> 5) Turn on the composer grid with a 5000x5000 spacing.
>>>> 6) Now, zoom in the map composer 4 or 5 times.
>>>> 7) With the map layer selected, update the preview and note the
>>>> offset
>>>> between the two grids.
>>>> 8) Output a png image at 300 dpi (should look correct).
>>>> 9) Output a png image at 200 dpi (the offset should show).
>>>> On another note, it would be nice to be able to suppress the
>>>> scientific notation of the grid labels. In the UTM example I have,
>>>> the
>>>> scientific notation is actually a larger label than the full  
>>>> integer
>>>> value.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> John
>>> --
>>> Dr. Marco Hugentobler
>>> HUGIS - GIS programming and consulting
>>> Webereistrasse 66
>>> CH-8134 Adliswil
>>> marco at hugis.net
>>> http://homepage.hispeed.ch/hugis
> -- 
> Dr. Marco Hugentobler
> HUGIS - GIS programming and consulting
> Webereistrasse 66
> CH-8134 Adliswil
> marco at hugis.net
> http://homepage.hispeed.ch/hugis

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