[Qgis-developer] Accessing GPS devices platform independently

Marco Hugentobler marco at hugis.net
Sat Sep 5 08:34:59 EDT 2009

Hi devs

Is there a way to access the data from a GPS device (serial port or USB port) 
in a platform independent way? From what I have read, gpsd can be used on 
Linux but not on other platforms.

Is it necessary to directly parse the NMEA 0183 protocol on windows? I see 
there are some projects connecting gps devices and QGIS (QGIS track GPS, 
Quantum Navigator, QGIS mapper). Is there already some NMEA related code?

Thanks for any suggestion,

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
HUGIS - GIS Programmierung und Beratung
Honrainweg 5
CH-8038 Zürich
marco at hugis.net

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