[Qgis-developer] Add Layer to overview

Germán Carrillo carrillo.german at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 12:38:08 EDT 2009

Hi Michele.

It seems the 'actionAddToOverview' method doesn't work yet. As a workaround,
you could do something like this:

      layer = self.iface.activeLayer()
      mapCanvasLayer = QgsMapCanvasLayer( layer )
      mapCanvasLayer.setInOverview( True )
      self.iface.mapCanvas().setLayerSet( [ mapCanvasLayer ] )



El 22 de septiembre de 2009 09:40, Michele Mammini <mamminim at yahoo.it>escribió:

>  Hi Germán
> may you write me how to write the code in my plugin in order to use this
> method?
> Maybe I understood that I have to use the class QAction() but i don't
> understand how to use it.
> Thank you
> Michele.
> At 16.19 21/09/2009, you wrote:
> Hi Michele.
> There is an 'actionAddToOverview' method in QgisInterface class [1], so you
> could use it directly for your plugin.
> Regards,
> Germán
> ---------------------------
> [1] http://doc.qgis.org/head/classQgisInterface.html
> 2009/9/21 Michele Mammini <mamminim at yahoo.it>
>  Dear all,
> i'm new on QGis, and i'm starting to develop plugin for my project using
> Python and QT.
> I'm able to connect to PostGIS database to query the data and to load the
> Layer into QGis, but i'm not able to load the same layer in the Overview
> windows.
> May someone can suggest me which function/class/code allow me to do it?
> Thank you,
> Michele.
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>  ______________________________________________________________________
> *Michele Mammini
> *Via dell'Arno, 54 - San Benedetto
> 56021
> Cascina (PISA)
> Tel*:             +39 050 747037
> *Cell*:            +39 328 9039640
> *email:  * mamminim at yahoo.it* <mamminim at yahoo.it>
> Skype:  *mamminim
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