[Qgis-developer] working with temporal data

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Sun Aug 1 06:48:04 EDT 2010


Few days ago, I stumbled upon this new ESRI tool to work with temporal  

Such a tool would be really useful for my work any many others too I  
believe. So, I've been thinking about writing a python plugin that  
basically adjusts the layers subsetString to the chosen time frame. But  
before I start coding, I'd like to ask your opinion on what would be the  
best way to implement such a functionality and maybe somebody already  
implemented it or something similar.

On a related topic: I'd also be interested in a "Save as Animation"  
functionality similar to "Save as Image". Do you think it's reasonable to  
implement such a functionality in Python? Do you know any libraries worth  
considering for this job?

Best wishes,

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