[Qgis-developer] The new QGIS plugin repo

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at aster.pl
Sun Aug 15 06:36:27 EDT 2010

> Any further thoughts about this? I still think this is an important issue
> for the future of QGIS, and the sooner we deal effectively with it the
> better. I agree we should encourage, not discourage, individual
> contributions.

I keep those emails on the top of my TODO list and will answer longer as soon 
as I get a free day.

> On the other hand, we should make it easier to collaborate
> on the development and bugfixing of individual plugins.
> I see two choices here:
> - keeping the existing system, and create a script to sync the uploaded
> plugin to an ad hoc svn+trac: no impact on contributors, but we keep the
> possibility of fixing the plugins when needed, arranging them in menus and
> submenus, open tickets, etc. 
> - replacing the current system with a
> different one, possibly with the seme or similar interface, that loads the
> plugin directly on the above mentioned svn+trac. Of course contributors
> can always add their repo at will: Our system should be in place just to
> help collaborating, not to force anyone.
> I'm sure there are other (better) options, and I'm looking forward for
> other suggestions.

I like the second solutuion, so all plugins are packed from the svn + there's 
a zip import for those who don't want to use svn.

And of course it's for the central repo only. We don't force authors to close 
their own repositories, we just gently attract them with the comfortable 
interface and some chocolates ;)
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