[Qgis-developer] Integration of QGIS mapserver to svn?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Sat Aug 21 11:47:39 EDT 2010

  Hi Andrea,

QGIS mapserver works as an Apache fcgi. So to enable QGIS-mapserver you 
copy the executable to a directory configured for FCGI, enable fcgi in 
Apache (easy to do in most Linux distributions) and start Apache. You 
don't need to be logged in - also no GUI is needed. I am not sure if it 
requires an XServer on the server at compile time, probably not. There 
will be more information on installation soon.


On 8/21/10 5:20 PM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> I don't know this plugin,
> but remenber a very old product from ESRI called.
> "ArcView for IMS" .
> That was an extension for arcview3 to be able to produce map for the web.
> The main problem was that the server must be logged in to produce a map,
> because the software need an environment and a GUI.
> Because this need of to be logged with an user to produce some maps 
> that product was few usable and disappered early from market.
> I don't know if qgis is able to work without an environment and a GUI.
> -- 
> -----------------
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -----------------
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