[Qgis-developer] QGIS build with GDAL 1.7.x - Ubuntu

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 00:32:49 EDT 2010

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your reply.

> I can make a new Spatialite layer using Layer->New->New Spatialite
> Layer. I believe this is the only correct way to make a Spatialite layer
> in the current version, Not 'Save As' that is OGR sqlite only. It is
> editable, saveable and loadable. Note QGIS uses a built in Spatialite in
> this case, I do not have spatialite installed on the system.

Yes, I understand, the New Spatialite layer and QGIS has its own
spatialite provider compiled wtih QGIS.

My problem is, I am not creating any spatialite layer in QGIS, I like
to view and edit spatialite created outside QGIS. The one that I am
testing in opening in QGIS ubuntu has been open in Mac OS X QGIS-dev.
I could not open the old and new spatialite, or any spatialite files
in QGIS ubuntu.

> I can also verify that I can open Spatialite layers created with older
> versions of Spatialite directly in QGIS.

> You might want to start fresh with just what you get from the Ubuntugis
> repos. Mixing and matching with custom compiled can easily lead to
> multiple conflicting versions of libraries on your system path.

Which version of QGIS are you using that is working spatialite? This
version QGIS, right. Did you get it from this repository.

sudo apt-get install add-apt-repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
sudo aptitude install qgis

As mentioned in my previous posting, I am using QGIS and
QGIS1.6 trunk created by Juergen with no success. When I installed
these two versions, one at the time, it actually picked the right
library it was compiled as features of linux system. It does not mix
and match until you compile your own version of QGIS. I have not done
any compiling yet.

I really like to get your version that is working. My ubuntu 10.04 is
really clean since I just installed it 2 days ago and beside beside I
am using the stock sqlite3 and spatialite that comes with ubuntu
10.04, not the new versions of sqlite and spatialite 2.4.0 r3a.

Do you know any other repository e.g. Xubuntu 10.04 that has QGIS that
is working with Spatialite?



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