[Qgis-developer] OpenLayers plugin and Print Composer

Aaron Kreider aaron at campusactivism.org
Thu Dec 16 17:09:31 EST 2010

I'm trying to print a layer of points (kml) on an Open Street Map.  I'm 
hoping to get the highest resolution possible - so I can print them out 
at 600 dpi. I think I can do this by creating an image that is around 
4800 by 6000 pixels.

QGIS 1.6

I use the OpenLayers plugin to get the OpenStreetMap layer.

I add the kml data.  I zoom in a couple times (to the state of 

It looks fine in QGis.  Now when I try to print it using "Print 
Composer", I select "add a map" and create a box for the map.  The map 
shows up fine.  But when I try to export it to an image (or pdf) it 
shows my kml markers on a *completely different* open street map 
background.  It looks like it zoomed in 3-5 times on openstreet (and 
changed the center point), but the kml layer keeps its original projection.

Is there any way I could get around this bug?

It looks like there is an OpenLayers bug.  Is someone working on it?

Another person had the same problem:

There is a ticket, but it looks like nobody is working on it:


Energy Justice Communities Map Developer - http://www.energyjustice.net/map

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