[Qgis-developer] plugin installer causes crash (ubuntu 9.04)

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at aster.pl
Sun Feb 21 13:24:58 EST 2010

Dnia niedziela, 21 lutego 2010 o 19:19:41 Giovanni Manghi napisaƂ(a):
> Hi all,
> I stumbled in a Ubuntu 9.04 machine (a almost fresh install) that had
> qgis 1.0.x installed with the "old" official repository. I made an
> upgrade to qgis 1.4 using the ubuntugis-unstable ppa repository and went
> all fine, except for the fact that when clicking on the plugin installer
> qgis crashes. I removed everything, tried install everything again but
> the result is the same. The terminal shows the following message
> Python support ENABLED :-)
> Loaded : fTools (package: fTools)
> Loaded : Plugin Installer (package: plugin_installer)
> Warning: QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments
>         QgsProject::writeProject(QDomDocument&) -->
> QgisApp::projectChanged(QDomDocument)
> Segmentation fault

Strange thing. Just for clearness: the plugin installer has nothing to do with 
the project xml.

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