[Qgis-developer] Spatial Query Plugin
Maxim Dubinin
sim at gis-lab.info
Fri Feb 26 22:20:15 EST 2010
Luiz, really cool! Another missing bit of the essential functionality.
Please consider adding it to the core.
Вы писали 26 февраля 2010 г., 20:11:05:
LM> Hi all.
LM> I just read a ticket about "Select by location", number 2476.
LM> We are finalizing the Spatial Query Plugin, it is C++ plugin for make
LM> the selected features by topological relations.
LM> At the moment, we are make procedure on source code to be evaluate by you..
LM> I found pertinet anticipate the release of the Plugin.
LM> If anyone wants to try, can download in
LM> http://www.sendspace.com/file/gkmrkg - Name: spatialqueryplugin.zip
LM> The file is a DLL (Windows plugins), for users of other systems can watch the video:
LM> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBODLEtD-fM
LM> Best Regards,
LM> Luiz Motta
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