[Qgis-developer] Proposal: Add Qwt as a soft dependency for GPS integration

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 04:09:21 EST 2010

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Tim Sutton <lists at linfiniti.com> wrote:
> Similarly to Martin's gps project, the gps ui can be used to capture
> features (and attributes using the normal attribute dialog mechanism).
> The ui part uses Qwt for the charting functions. I would like to
> propose that we add Qwt5 as a soft dependency. If it is not present,
> the GPS ui parts will not be built (the background process part will
> still be built. Could you please let us know if you are happy for the
> inclusion of this soft dependency - and the GPS code itself?

0 for me.

Either use it as a hard dependency or don't use it at all. Personally
I don't have any experience with Qwt and it's capabilities. I guess it
doesn't have as many features as e.g. python's matplotlib, anyway it
might be a good candidate for drawing graphs also in future.


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