[Qgis-developer] PostGIS provider estimated extent

Jeremy Palmer JPalmer at linz.govt.nz
Sun Mar 14 19:56:23 EDT 2010


I was just wondering about the purpose of r13014 which implemented a "setNoExtentEstimate" flag for a PostgreSQL connection. 

I have a little issue with this when used in conjunction with the new use estimated metadata provider option. Because the PostgreSQL connections are pooled for the postgres provider, it is possible to have the connection "hasNoExtentEstimate" flag indefinitely set when you can't get a result back from estimated_extent function for a table (see line 2777 of qgspostgresprovider.cpp). Then any new postgresprovider objects that are later created using this same pooled connection can not use the estimated_extent function, even if the database table has been appropriately analysed.



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