[Qgis-developer] GRASS requirements changed

John C. Tull jctull at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 11:52:31 EDT 2010

Hi Radim,

I built trunk on my OS X system. I tested the provider on a grass location that is in EPSG 26911. I set the project to that epsg code, but I get this error when trying to load a raster:

Cannot draw raster
Cannot start module
command: /Applications/qgis1.5.0.app/Contents/MacOS/share/qgis/grass/modules/qgis.d.rast map=angrin_gb at jctull window=739283,4.00302e+06,765408,4.07309e+06,320,859<br><br>WARNING: Raster map <angrin_gb at jctull@jctull> is in different zone (11)
than current region (0)
WARNING: Unable to open raster map <angrin_gb at jctull@jctull>
ERROR: Unable to open raster map <angrin_gb at jctull

The raster shows up as a gray box. The same is true of other grass rasters I tried to load.


On Mar 15, 2010, at 1:10 PM, Radim Blazek wrote:

> 1) GDAL-GRASS driver is no more required, GRASS rasters are accessed
> directly using GRASS libs not via GDAL
> 2) GRASS libraries must be compiled with exceptions support. This was
> always required, but it was not explicitly stated in INSTALL.
> On Linux with gcc just run GRASS configure with additional CFLAG:
>    CFLAGS="-fexceptions" ./configure ....
> On windows it seems to work without special options (at least in
> osgeo4w, Jef, which compiler are you using?)
> I have no idea about OSX, here is small test package
> http://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/attachment/ticket/1878/except.tar
> The reason for this requirement is, that GRASS G_fatal_error is
> calling exit() and the only way to avoid QGIS exit on every error in
> GRASS (which does not have to be necessarily fatal for QGIS, e.g.
> cannot open layer ...) is to set custom error routine (
> G_set_error_routine) which throws c++ exception which is caught in
> QGIS-GRASS plugin. To support this, GRASS libs (which are in C) must
> be compiled with support for exceptions.
> I have modified doc/INSTALL.t2t
> Radim
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