[Qgis-developer] Re: Python plugin menu questions

Marco Hugentobler marco at hugis.net
Tue Mar 23 04:41:45 EDT 2010

Hi Yves

You are right, QMenu::setVisible has no effect.

A simpler solution might be:

menubar = self.iface.editMenu().parentWidget()

Like this, you don't depend on the menu position (that is not guaranteed to be 


Am Freitag, 19. März 2010 11.42:50 schrieb Yves Bolognini:
> Just a small update about how to disable menus in Python plugins.
> > 1) Remove/hide an entire menu, like the Edit menu
> One solution:
> menubar = self.iface.editMenu().parentWidget()
> actions = menubar.actions()
> menubar.removeAction(actions[1])
> > 2) Remove/hide the contextual menu entries "Show Overview" (contextual
> > toolbar menu) and "Add to Overview" (contextual layer menu). Actually
> > I need to completely disable the overview, so it includes removing
> > these menu entries
> It seems that's not possible. Contextual layer menu is created
> dynamically in app/legend/qgslegend.cpp when a right-click occurs. So
> we don't have access to it in plugins.
> Regards,
> Yves
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Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Webereistrasse 66
CH-8134 Adliswil
marco at hugis.net
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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