[Qgis-developer] plugin's menu organization
Micha Silver
micha at arava.co.il
Mon Mar 29 02:28:46 EDT 2010
Alex Mandel wrote:
> Borys Jurgiel wrote:
>> Dnia niedziela, 28 marca 2010 o 22:10:11 Micha Silver napisał(a):
>>> As I see it, QGIS offers two somewhat unique advantages: first, the
>>> basic installation is quite easy to get into for new (and even
>>> experienced) users. It doesn't overwhelm you like other GIS software.
>>> But on the other hand, thru the plugin's you get access to a huge set of
>>> GIS tools. In order to maintain these good qualities:
>>> - the base installation (core features) should stay as clean as
>>> possible, without mixing plugin menus into the core menus
>>> - plugins should add their own buttons and/or menus (like now) but with
>>> the addition of categorization, as Borys says. Thus all plugins that
>>> deal with PostGIS should be in the same menu or toolbar; all plugins
>>> that interact with GPS in the same menu, raster tools together (already
>>> partly done), the R plugins under one menu, etc...
>>> Just my 2 cents worth from a user's perspective.
>> But do you think they should be added to the native menus (all plugins below
>> the native commands) or to completely separate menus?
> Completely seperate plugin section, otherwise when you turn on a plugin
> you'll have no idea where it is. An exception to this would be if the
> Manage plugins where you go to activate them had tabs with the same
> names, that would clearly indicate where you should find the plugin once
> it's turned on.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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Micha Silver
Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918
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