[Qgis-developer] GoogleLayers
Alexander Bruy
alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Fri May 7 01:34:31 EDT 2010
I test GoogleLayers 0.6.2 with QGIS 13406 under Windows XP Pro SP3. I
start new project,
set project CRS to Goggle Mercator (900913, on-the-fly reproject is
OFF) and load shapefile
from here http://gista.sk/dl/shp_google_merc.tar.gz
Then I zoom to Ukraine and press plugin button. After this I get an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis-dev\python\plugins\GoogleLayers\GoogleLayers.py",
line 151, in run
z = min(max(int(ceil(log(min(width / ((x2 - x1) * 256), height /
((y2 - y1) * 256)), 2))), 0), 19)
ValueError: math domain error
Python version:
2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
QGIS version:
1.5.0-Trunk Trunk, 13406M
Python path: ['C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis-dev/./python', 'C:\\Documents and
Settings\\Alex/.qgis/python', 'C:\\Documents and
'C:\\OSGeo4W\\apps\\gdal-16\\pymod', 'C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\bin',
'C:\\OSGeo4W\\apps\\qgis-dev\\bin', 'C:\\OSGeo4W\\apps\\Python25',
u'C:/Documents and Settings/Alex/.qgis//python/plugins',
'C:\\Documents and
'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Alex\\.qgis\\python\\plugins\\GdalTools',
Also I test with another zooms and countries, with enabled and
disabled on-the-fly reproject and
always get same error.
Alexander Bruy
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