[Qgis-developer] venue for the next hackfest

Milena Nowotarska do.milenki at gmail.com
Mon May 24 08:00:58 EDT 2010

Hi all,

thinking about the next hackfest we could organize it in Wroclaw,
Poland, at the University.
Wroclaw is an old, beautiful city easily accesible by train or plane.

The venue we propose is Department of Climatology and Atmosphere
Protection, University of Wroclaw. It is located in the most beautiful
part of Wroclaw and is freely available from June to September. But
having in mind Barcelona conference, we think it would be convenient
to plan the hackfest for begining of July, lets say 2nd-5th of July.

Let us know if You like the idea, please.

Paweł Netzel &
Milena Nowotarska

Milena Nowotarska

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