[Qgis-developer] geocode icon missing

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at aster.pl
Fri May 28 06:06:08 EDT 2010

Dnia piątek, 28 maja 2010 o 11:28:39 Alessandro Pasotti napisał(a):

> > > I've fixed the icons and updated the repo, anybody willing to test
> > > it ?
> > 

Still can't see any icon

> Fixed: so silly that qgis cannot handle zipfile name different from plugin
> name, no room for version numbers :(

Not exactly - you can use any suffix after a dot: myPlugin.suffix.zip
Note, that it concerns only the zip file and the directory inside still must 
be named just "myPlugin", without any suffix. 

This way you can keep multiple zip files and differentiate them by the 
"experimental" and "qgis_minimum_version" tags. Unfortunately, still only one 
of them can be installed.

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