[Qgis-developer] Plugin GdalTools - Build Virtual Raster (catalog) idea to develop

Giuseppe Sucameli sucameli at faunalia.it
Wed Nov 24 19:10:41 EST 2010

Hi Germán,

2010/11/24 Germán Carrillo <carrillo.german at gmail.com>

> I think you may reuse some code of the Load Them All Plugin [1] to
> accomplish this.
what did you mean writing "to accomplish this", to load the layers or
maybe to do a recursive scan?


> Regards,
> Germán
> -------------------
> [1]
> http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/index.php?option=com_myblog&task=view&id=264&Itemid=59&lang=en
> 2010/11/24 Giuseppe Sucameli <sucameli at faunalia.it>
>>  Hi Santiago,
>> On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Santiago Lastra <
>> santiago.lastra at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Recently I've found this very interesting and useful tool, at least for
>>> me. I will propose two ways to improve the tool:
>>> - The tool right now offers the user the possibility to select as many
>>> files as he wants inside a directory. I propose to give also the possibility
>>> to define only a directory that contains raster files (of every kind), with
>>> a check box to give the oportunity to follow the subdirectories of the first
>>> one.
>> there's an opened ticket yet, see [1] ;)
>>  - I think it's better to explain my problem and I think you will
>>> understand the reason of my second proposal. I have directories with up to
>>> 2000 raster files or even more. If you try the tool as is and if you select
>>> "add to canvas", it takes several minutes to load and see the virtual raster
>>> catalog (VRT) into QGIS, but if I zoom in to the right scale QGIS move the
>>> images very quickly. What I suggest is to add in the dialog the possibility
>>> to define the "scale dependent visibility" when the VRT is added to the TOC
>>> of QGIS.
>> Why don't you stop the rendering? So you can set the "scale dependent
>> visibility"
>> range using the existent layer properties dialog.
>> Simply you can disable it either before you add the layer or while QGis
>> loads it.
>> Or maybe did I misunderstand?
>> Cheers.
>> [1] https://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/3095
>> --
>> Giuseppe Sucameli
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> Soluciones Geoinformáticas Libres
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Giuseppe Sucameli
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