[Qgis-developer] setting size of mapcanvas / map via python in plugin

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Mon Sep 27 09:01:29 EDT 2010

Hi Devs,

looking at: http://doc.qgis.org/stable/classQgsMapCanvas.html
is my conclusion ok that I cannot change the size of the mapcanvas from 
within a python plugin / programmatically?

For the htmlimagemaplugin there is a feature request to be able to 
determine the exact size of the output map image.

Another use-case is when I needed to have an image of a map in an exact 
size to be used in some html/css page.

Till now I tried to resize the window in such a way combined with saving 
the map as an image to determine the right size (pixelperfect :-) )

Am I missing something here (eg can I use the qt-parent of mapcanvast or 
so?) or should I file a feature request?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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